Tuesday, February 09, 2010


I wrote five pages on Sunday - five pages that may all get thrown out, because I'm pretty sure some of it is repeating what I'd written the last time I sat at the computer. This is what happens when I lose momentum. I'm not sure I've said everything I should, so add it just in case.

But I'm not worrying about it, because I also know that's how I rev up again.

Despite taking the car in for repairs and various other tasks yesterday, I managed my ten pages, and by the end, felt I was back on track, momentum-wise. Whew!

This morning, I've done some administrative tasks, and have errands to run, then I'll get to my writing. I think it's better if the writing is done first, but sometimes that's not possible. I just have to go with the flow on those days, and as long as I've got my momentum mo-jo back, all will be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, so far so good this week for me. My daughter is doing fine and is back in school. Tippy the cat appears to have a new home. And best of all, I found the keys to my filing cabinet, and have been able to pay the last two bills of the month.

Happy writing.
